
  • Oxana Zakharova Cherkasy state technological university,
  • Larisa Prodanova Cherkasy state technological university,
  • Olexiy Kotliarevsky


Ключові слова:

stages of entrepreneurship development, national economy, motivators and demotivators of entrepreneurs' activity


The development of entrepreneurship is investigated and the stages of establishment of entrepreneurial activity in Ukrainian economy are identified. The scientific-methodical approach to the definition of stages of entrepreneurship development in the national economy on the basis of a complex analysis of the dynamics of statistical indicators of the activities of economic entities, factors and conditions, that positively or negatively affect the motivation to entrepreneurial activity, motivate or demotivate the entities, determine the trends of the scale of distribution and the level of entrepreneurship efficiency, is offered. In the period from 1991 to 2017, seven homogeneous stages of the establishment of entrepreneurial activity in Ukrainian economy were identified according to the criterion for entrepreneurs' motivation. The following motivators and demotivators of entrepreneurial activity are analyzed: the ease of starting business, tax pressure, production risks, regulatory policy, personnel qualification, conditions and efficiency of business entities, access to financial resources, corruption and illegal actions in relation to entrepreneurs, state of social and economic development of the country, access to foreign market.


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