Convergent institutional mechanisms of the system of property as the basis of a single mechanism of the capital’s functioning formation
DOI:Ключові слова:
property, capital, methodological approaches, system management, institution of property, institutional mechanism, capital system, institutional system, convergence, globalization, reform, transformationАнотація
The article is a continuation of previous works devoted to clarifying issues related to the methodology of property research, the development of theoretical and methodological basis of practical implementation of the transformation of property during the deep transformation of the Ukrainian state in the transition society and economy to a post-industrial stage of development. The results of the author’s research institute a property system as a common resource system, its convergent mechanisms in conjunction with the system functioning capital at the national and world economy. Creating a single management mechanism system of capital is associated with the functioning of the institutions and mechanisms of its management, according to the
author’s developed concept of “the system of property as common resource system (SPCRS)”. Basing on the current research the capital structure of the system capital is found out, the view on inclusion in the system of institutional capital is grounded and the own position on the concept “institutional capital” is provided.
Convergent SPCRS, if this concept is perceived as the basis of strategies development and, therefore, if there is implementation of these mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels, is able to organize collaboration of capital systems, capitals of a particular country, region and the world. This position applies to implementation of the requirements of the principle of methodological institutionalism in the research practice.
Keywords: property, capital, methodological approaches, system management, institution of property, institutional mechanism, capital system, institutional system, convergence, globalization, reform, transformation.
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