Conceptual foundations of innovation clusters development
DOI:Ключові слова:
innovation, cluster, regional management, innovation management, concept, networkАнотація
The article is devoted to topical issues of regional management development and the accumulation of knowledge on the formation of conceptual bases of the organization and support of innovative clusters. It is proved that the development of innovative and cluster model of Ukrainian economy at the same time takes into account and uses a number of conceptual provisions. These are interrelated provisions of the modern innovation theory, postulates of market economy, methods and technologies of regional management. It is proved that conceptual provisions of innovation clusters development ensure the progress and systemic changes of economic activities in regions, this result is logical and appropriate to such strategic perspectives.The key problems of the formation of the concept and cluster model in regional and industrial formations with innovative orientation are outlined. The vision of innovative cluster features from the position of integration and organizational processes; industry specialization and market priorities is defined. The idea, goal, objectives, management mechanisms and activities tools, approaches to the evaluating of the effectiveness and efficiency of the cluster are proved. As approaches and technologies of the development it is recommended to recognize: comprehensive and high-quality scientific and information support of decision-
making process by authorities; effectiveness control and accounting of positive and negative consequences of current decisions; openness and transparency in collective actions, decision-making taking into account positions of all cluster members; formation of positive impact on the image of the region and the industry. The definition of the key principles of the integrated cluster cooperation is given.
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