Rapid diagnosis appeal employer brand
https://doi.org/10.24025/2306-4420.1.41.2016.84364Ключові слова:
employer brand, image, company, personnel, employee turnover, human resource management, indicators of evaluationАнотація
The aim is to develop a methodology of diagnostics of internal component of the attractiveness of the employer brand. The scientific novelty of this work consists a list of indicators of internal diagnostic component of the employer brand; quantitative determination for each of the offered indicators of borders of values in relation to the degree of attractiveness of the employer brand. The application of this worked out methodology will allow evidently to define the degree of attractiveness of the employer brand, which proposed three options – high, middle or low. These indicators were attributed nine indicators: turnover ratio retirement, staff stability
factor, the factor of stability of personnel, the average age of employees, the level of staffing of the enterprise personnel, the rate of ROI (Return of investment), turnover rate prospective employees, productivity growth, earnings growth company. The choice of these indicators was related to the necessity of complex description of all personnel management's aspects. For every choicen indicators in this work decoding of semantic loading of possible quantitative values was conducted. Attention was paid to the maximum values of indicators, the approach which will negatively affect at work of enterprise and internal constituent of the employer brand. Further researches must be sent to the ground of concrete measures on the increase of internal component of the attractiveness of the employer brand, ground of indicators and expansion of amount of indicators of such estimation external constituent
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